I got back from visiting my mom and the dentist. I lived through it too! Actually, it was not too bad, no cavities, nothing has changed from before except the cleaning was very easy and fast. I got praised for my beautiful teeth….and  on the subject of aging, I got a audible gasp from the dentist when I told him my age. and here I thought I was getting older!! The one day, we helped mom clean up some in the house and in the yard. They started a pile to burn some of the wood and some icky stuff around the house, but it was really close to the house and was not a good plan. The fire got really big and hot and we had to put it out because the house was getting to hot and we got worried we were going to melt the electrical box on the house. The house was steaming when we sprayed it. <p> This is one handed typing as my other hand is stuck under a sleeping baby that I am babysitting.  On Monday we had a homeschool book sale that was okay, but I did not sell very many, I was thrilled though to find when I came home I had sold most of them for mom…that was great!
We have been busy, in a good way, but I do not want to get too busy, it gets too tiring. I love days where you can just sit and watch them run and play. This morning the baby, T. and L.  and I, went for a walk. T. got a nice little bike with training wheels so he rode that and L. was on his new bike I got him at a garage sale last week. I got that one at the garage sale and T.’s a friend gave me.  It was nice, we rode down to a park nearby, we swung a bit and then came back home. It was  a little difficult helping both of them, the baby in the stroller and T. on the bike!
<p> We got a bunny rabbit last week, so that is a huge deal for us. We are not pet people, but I thought we should all learn about caring for an animal. I am not sure what it’s name is, so as of now it is not named.
<p> Menu for the week:
Wednesday: Leftovers-pineapple
Thursday:  Hot Dogs, watermelon- salad
Friday:BBQ with family- hamburgers and side dish or dessert- I am not quite sure exactly what to bring, but I am thinking of a few different things. I was thinking pie sounded good, but I am not sure.
Saturday: Spaghetti and meatballs- salad
Sunday: Enchilada casserole/ dessert or side dish
Monday:Swedish Meatballs, noodles and green beans
Tuesday:Stir Fry and rice


Martha Artyomenko is an unpublished fiction author who has published some nonfiction magazine articles and reviews over the years. An avid reader and mother of four sons, she brings her many years of expertise to play when writing realistic fiction about topics of mothering, domestic violence, and childbirth. In her free time, if she is not reading, you will find her walking while musing about her next story to write or traveling to learn history for another story. Martha Artyomenko supports authors by running an active social media group (Avid Readers of Christian Fiction) and newsletter promoting niche fiction authors that would otherwise be unknown. Join me by leaving a comment or signing up for the newsletter.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. MamaJ

    I can relate to being busy at a park. My two girls are less than a year apart, and they keep me running! Isn't it always nice when people think you're younger than you are? Glad to hear of your success with the sale of the books. I love garage sales, I think they're greatest thing, especially for growing kids, who outgrow whatever we get them in a few months time! God bless.

    Mama J.

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