Corn Crunch Cereal
6 c. buttermilk or sour milk
4 1/2 c. cornmeal (fresh ground, preferably)<p>
6 c. flour
3 t. salt<p>
3 t. baking soda
3 t. baking powder<p>
Mix dry ingredients, then mix milk in. Spread in greased cookie sheet and bake 350 for 35 minutes. Cool and crumble. Bake again at 200-250 until dry and crispy.<p>
We got this recipe I think originally, ages ago from Keepers At Home Magazine
I don’t remember who posted it, but if you have not  seen it, it is a wonderful magazine. The link above has the address, etc to order it.  I have subscribed to this magazine for a very long time!  It has alot of healthy recipes and encouraging articles in it!

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. drewsfamilytx

    Making your own cereal? I've made granola, but it has never crossed my mind to actually make cereal!

    How does it taste?

    Marsha :-)

  2. loefflermom

    Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!

    Blessings to you,


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