I have not been able to warm up lately! The basement stays pretty cold so  it has been warm outside so upstairs warms up without the heater, but i am thinking we are going to turn it on for the basement as I am shaking with cold down there, in spite of running the dryer! If I am going to get it unpacked, i am going to have to be able to feel my fingers!
<p> Spring is blooming and it is warming up here!  F. mowed the grass this morning which I think we need to add some grass seed maybe so it is not all weeds, but I will have to learn about that! We got most of our school done today! I am still not finding everything since we moved as some is still in boxes, but hopefully this week it will be done! The basement and garage yet as well as painting the living room and bedroom.
I went through all the boys clothes today though as they all grew suddenly! It is amazing how it seems like it happens overnight! <p>  We had a really nice weekend, it was busy, but a friend of ours got married and we got to go to the wedding. I had to carpool and since I was just going to be gone for  about 4 hours, F. took care of all the boys and I went. It was a full wedding so it was better that way! It was  so nice to see old friends and catch up on where everyone has been. There were some friends that it had been a really long time since we had seen them so that was nice too! <p> Sunday morning, I was making some stuff and heated up the oven and missed seeing  a clear plastic container in the back! I spent a good part of the morning getting it off my oven rack! ‘Oops!" I don’t like to keep things in the oven for that reason and it annoys me to have to take things out before baking!  I went to church, then we had a meal, then to another church service. I also met with the parents of a baby who are maybe going to have me babysit their infant! She is only 10 weeks old and so tiny!  The boys love babies and  I guess she loves noise, so that is good! It will just be two days a week, so it will add a little income too.
<p> So, when I finally went to bed, I had forgotten to take T. to the bathroom before he fell asleep, when I do that, I  usually just take him, but I was so tired I forgot and he woke up having to go and crawled in bed with me instead since he was so tired…..yep…..we were changing sheets at 4 am.  Thankfully I had put the rubber mat on my bed just in case, so  no damage!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. momtogirls5

    Hi Martha. I visit your blog often. So happy for you with your new home.
    We have a split level home. I find our downstairs to be freezing as well! We have an oil heater. It heats slow and steady. I use that instead of turning on the heat for the whole house. The upstairs can be 76* and the downstairs 60* at best :-)
    Just an idea.


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