A milestone…
I have been alive for 33 years now. It seems like it has been so short and yet so long. The experiences I have had in my life seem like it is a bit ridiculous…
I have been alive for 33 years now. It seems like it has been so short and yet so long. The experiences I have had in my life seem like it is a bit ridiculous…
Once again, it went well! I love making things ahead of time. I love to cook, but too much at once is just exhausting. We used these turkey roasting bags though this year, and while…
Almost a month before Thanksgiving, I like to focus some of our history time on Thanksgivng and early American history. I want to spend some time on some crafts and reading books that tell different…
Wednesday: Chicken soup and bread Thursday: Spaghetti, salad Friday: Honey Garlic chicken, rice, broccoli Saturday: French dip, carrot sticks, salad Sunday: Leftovers, popcorn, cookies Monday: Black beans in crockpot and rice, salad Tuesday:Slow cooked meat…
I have apples that need to be gone through and used, and since it is getting colder outside, they had to be moved to a warmer location. Here are some great apple recipes I am…
Tonight we had a basketball game! We had to leave the house at 3:15 and we did not return until almost 7 pm. I had 4 extra children which gave me 10 people to feed,…
“He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.” Isaiah 53:3,…
We have been busy with basketball and it is a lot of work to get healthy snacks for the spectators and have dinner ready, without having to eat at 9 pm. I found that with…
that is too busy doing good things that I don't have time for people. I find that it seems like lately, there are so many things in my life that I wonder if I am…
Our church does a very large harvest/Thanksgiving celebration on this Sunday. The church is very elaborately decorated with leaves, plants, branches from trees, fruits and vegetables, wheat sheaves, loaves of bread, and the service is…