I am nervous for some reason and hope it goes well, but I am making the main dish for MOPS tomorrow and wanted to make something than the same old egg casserole, even though they are usually tasty, I  did not want to go to the store to buy bread. I have been making our bread and did not want to use my homemade bread for cubes. <p> Anyhow, after much deliberation, I am making waffles and scrambled eggs. i may cook some sausage links I have too, but I will probably save those.  I have some raspberries I am thawing to make a sauce and I think my whipping cream is good still.  So, hopefully it is good for everyone! <p>  I pray that it goes really smooth, no  problems setting up or anything! <p> We are talking about love and romance, which is always fun! 

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. drewsfamilytx

    Waffles with raspberries sounds delicious! I'm sure you have nothing to fear my culinary friend.

  2. pbrfans1

    Now I'm craving waffles! =) LOL

  3. Raesfamily

    They sound great!

    I pray that all went well.



  4. pinklady

    sound's good!!!
    hope it all go's well!!

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