The boys had alot of fun wrestling with our friend from MN! You also get to see my house a bit in this picture!

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  1. Anonymous

    Martha, Your home looks so fresh and clean, I love it! All these pictures are very nice. I havent figured out how to add pics to my blog yet. Sounds like life is very busy for you. I will be keeping you and your family in my prayers;0) God Bless~

  2. gmisch

    Thanks for continuing to check up on me on my blog. I finally got around to posting a picture of the house project, and I posted a new picture of the baby too.

    I finally get to see your house! How nice! I miss talking with you!

    God bless you!

  3. Lilyofthevalley4

    I like your house too, Martha. Looks homey. :)

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