I picked up this book at the library and it was a really sweet story! I would check to see if your library has it! <p>
Jean Mosely was born in the small, lead-mining town of Elvins, Missouri and shortly afterwards the family moved to River Valley Farm in the southeastern range of the Ozarks. Here she lived until she was past 13.
"It is the little eeryday joys put together that one big picture of happiness and contentment." says Mrs. Mosley and for her it might be the sounds of a hoot-owl at night or a robin at dawn; the fragrance of the clover-field, woodsmoke, or yeast bread baking; a winter snowfall or just her old black cat asleep on the window ledge.
This book was sweet, full of accounts of her childhood and sometimes hilarious! I found especially funny the account of the boys trying to play a trick on some boys from a foreign country, who spoke little English, by taking them "snipe hunting". They played the usual trick and were very surprised when the family invited their whole family over for "snipe". They tried the whole meal to figure out what it was, Possum? "No" the reply came. "Coon?" "No, Were they good to eat? Better than snipe?" was the answer……the mystery was solved when the father asked him if the skins were any good and Dad saw what it was they ate when he saw the shiny black fur with a distinct white stripe down it’s back!!!!<p>
This story has tons of great stories in it that would be fun to read to your family at bedtime or just for family time, as they are  really cute, funny and just nice! It was copyright in 1960, but was one of the Christian Herald Family Bookshelf. I have never heard of them, so they must not be around anymore, but great book!
<p> Check in the 818.5 (Dewey Decimal system) section of your local library! I have gotten some treasures there!

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