Take a look at this delightful book! It is a sweet story with some real life struggles in it, but for those of us who like a sweet romance, you will enjoy this book.
Elle (whom we met in Sweet Caroline) is engaged to be married! She is ready to rip up her life, give up her plans, but things fall in the path of perfection and she starts to wonder why she feels like everything is wrong.
When things get really hard, she discovers through an old friend how to really pray and bring her requests to God, even though life does not look so good at the moment. Discouragements are there, but good friends are as well. You will fall in love with Elle as I did….(and it is pronounced like the Letter "L") I especially enjoyed her dad, who said he would not give up one of his girls for any son!
I do not want to give away too much of the story, but Jeremiah and Elle have some relationship struggles and a new friendship God brings into her life of a widower and his young daughter shows her many different things about herself and her outlook on life.
If you would like an chance to win a copy for yourself visit Rachel’s blog here to enter for a chance to win a copy! http://www.rachelhauck.com/2008/10/love-starts-with-elle-blog-tour.html
Head over there to enter right away! <p>
About Rachel: Rachel Hauck is the author of ten, going on eleven novels, and has recently become an "acclaimed" author. (Yeah, funny how that happened. Some dude found her lottery stub stuck to the bottom of his shoe and tried to "acclaim" her. But her husband refused to pay out.)
Since then, she’s gone on to become a best selling author of Sweet Caroline.
Living in central Florida with her husband of sixteen and a half years, one sweet little dog and one ornery cat, Rachel is a graduate of Ohio State University and a huge Buckeye football fan. One day she hopes to stand on the sidelines next to Coach Tressel as a famed, acclaimed best selling OSU alumni, beloved for her work in literature and letters. (She’s written at least a couple hundred letters in her life time.)
Her current release, Love Starts With Elle can be bought here on Amazon
Visit her blog and website at http://www.rachelhauck.com
If you would like to follow the blog tour here is the link for all the blogs