Chill Out, Josey
By Susan May Warren<p>
Reviewed by Martha Artyomenko<p>
Josey Anderson will be the perfect wife. She and Chase did have the perfect wedding, if you do not count the maid of honor going into labor. Now all she has to do is find a cute Cape-style house, report for the Gull Lake, MN paper, bake cookies, and learn to sew- is that so difficult? But Chase lands a new job- in Moscow- Josie’s dreams disintegrate. After all, she’s been there; done that as a missionary and a city without year round hot water, decent take out or…..maternity clothes- that’s not perfection. But what is the perfect wife to do? (From back cover of Chill out, Josie!)<p>
I found this story delightful! I don’t know if it has to do with relating so much to the main character, Josie, or just the fact that I could relate with her as an American among Russians. I have never been to Russia, but being married to one who barely spoke English when I married him and living among them for several years, I feel like it! Poor Josie is pregnant in Russia, her husband is so busy with his new job and not really noticing her size changing,, so she just doesn’t tell him the news. The lack of peanut butter in Russia is not a good thing Josie thinks, so they start the great peanut butter adventure complete with people who think peanut butter is gross (I just got my husband to like it the last few years!). She has an adventure to the hospital where she wonders why all the ladies show up in slippers and big robes…..
This book is funny, well written and will have you enjoying each surprise and anxiety along with Josie! I especially could feel for her about the way the size of the women, the housekeeping skills etc. It was so true!! It was also funny because most of my Russian experience happened in MN also and that is not only where the author is from, she bases her story out of there. The struggle to be a Proverbs 31 wife, which we sometimes translate into meaning that a lack of communication is better than communicating with our mates.. this story demonstrates so well! <p> This book says it is a romance book, but since the couple is married, it did not really strike me that way, but a great book that will make you smile over your cup of tea, which I think the author is right, I think that is the secret to how the Russians got through so much!<p>
You can buy this book at Amazon for $6.99<p>
It comes in a small paperback size that makes it handy for tucking in a purse when you are on the go!
<p> Also check out the contest on the authors website for another book by the same author. There is also a contest for Chill out, Josey also here!
It should be alot of fun as well as she is asking for your funniest, craziest, embarrassing pregnancy stories in order to enter!!! Not only do you get entered for the book, but it is a spa basket as well…sounds fun, doesn’ it?
Thanks for the book review. We have a large Russian community here in Houston but it is on the other side from where I am.
I have never been to Russia but would love to go to Red Square and St. Petersburg. Too bad my Russian is terrible! I can read it but don't ask me what it means…
Sounds like a neat story! I'll have to look into getting a copy. :)
It sounds like a good read. I'll be honest in that I stay away from romances for the most part but it would be nice to read something like what you're describing. It sounds funny :)
Interesting correlation about Prov. 31 and the lack of communication. Maybe it's a universal thing for Europe? My hubby's Finnish and that is actually how many married couples function! Many are from MN or MI.
Hey Martha!
Thanks so much for sharing my book with your readers! Sounds like you and Josey have much in common…I bet you have some great stories yourself!
Susan Warren