Making Work at home work
By Mary M. Byers

Reviewed by Martha Artyomenko

About the book:

Making Work at Home Work shows moms how to develop an entrepreneurial
mind-set without sacrificing their families. It covers important topics such
as developing a successful business philosophy, balancing time between work
and family, setting realistic goals, and handling the challenges of being
both "Mommy" and "CEO" while running a profitable home-based business.

In addition to including her own experiences, author Mary Byers profiles
real moms with home-based businesses who offer their hard-won advice.

About Mary:

Mary M. Byers successfully juggles both a freelance corporate writing and
speaking business and her responsibilities as a wife and mother of two
school-aged children. She is the author of The Mother Load: How to Meet Your
Own Needs While Caring for Your Family and How to Say No . . . And Live to
Tell about It. Visit her website to learn more:
<>  or her blog

In these times many of us in our area at least have businesses we run from our homes. i know many people do, whether on a small scale or large scale. This book can be helpful! Full of practical advice from the business end of things to the family end of things, it includes chapters like

  • Saving your sanity
  •  The Right Equipment
  • Facing the daily Dinner dilemma  

as well as many others for the home business owner.  It has business forms for you to look at, testimonies of others, as well as easy to follow recipes and ideas for dinner. This  book covers alot!
i found it was very interesting as I know many people who do run their own business sort of without the planning and struggle with those simple things like dinner, business plans and paperwork. This small easy to follow book would be a great one to pick up!
See below how you can win your own copy…..if you leave a comment here, i have one to give away for those of you who do, see the instructions below.


Contest! Win a copy of Making Work at Home Work (or another one of Mary
<> ‘s books–your choice) AND a
$25 Amazon gift certificate (for some WAHM essentials – Day Planner, bubble
bath, funky file-folders, toddler DVDs)!

There are three ways to win:

* Leave a comment on this post- Leave a comment here with your email address or some way to contact you and what type of home business you have.
(This gives you a chance to just win the book)

* Sign up for Mary’s quarterly newsletter where she offer tips and
advice about all facets of a women’s life: WAHM, mothering, women’s issues.
More info here! Click for more info

* Join the Work at Home Blog Ring.
Work at home Blog link

Link to buy the book:

Amazon link to buy book

Schedule: Link to schedule:
Blog tour Schedule


Christa at Christa Allan

Martha at Our Family’s Adventures

Katrina at Callapidder Days

Wendi at Wendi’s Book Corner

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Rena

    Sounds like a great book. I don't have a home business, but I do write children's books while homeschooling my children. Good luck with your contest.

  2. Lilyofthevalley4

    Enter me, please! We have a home business here selling everything to do with the string instrument family. :)

  3. Anonymous

    Hi!! I am a Creative Memories consultant and help people organize and preserve their precious photos and memories in archival type photo albums &/OR digital books. Please enter me into your contest for this great book!

    My email is:
    ~Evelyn Mae

  4. Anonymous

    I'd love to win the book. You can contact me at We own a bison business and my husband has a telecom biz that I also help with. Tough juggling it all!
    Karen Dunham

  5. Anonymous

    I am a Discovery Toys Educational Consultant. We have educational toys for infants through middle school.

    Cara Retz

  6. Anonymous

    I am a Mary Kay Consultant new to the valley.

    I love this business because it's not just about makeup. I love teaching women how to take care of their skin. The makeup (lipstick, blush, eye shadow) is just icing on beautiful healthy skin!

    I've never known a business that has these 2 primary guiding philosophies:
    1) God 1st, family 2nd, career 3rd
    2) Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

    I love the weekly meetings where you get praised for any amount of business you did the following week, you get training to further your business, weekly goals to meet and a wonderful group of women you can call your friends! Really!

    Robyn Drucker

    How old you are is your business, how young you look is mine!

  7. aaronamber

    Thanks for another great give away Martha! This is coming just in time. I am about to start my own little business. Fixing and finishing antique quilt tops! :D

  8. Joyce

    I am a midwife and have my own birth center…….

  9. Moriah

    I have a tax preparation business and might start bookeeping. This would be interesting to read.


    My husband has a business fixing dry cleaners and I own a couple of rental properties.

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