In case the last one you did not  win a copy of this book here are some more chances to win by leaving a comment.  This was for the book Before the Season End’s. <p>
A kindred Spirit’s Thoughts
Cecelia Dowdy’s My Christian fiction blog has a copy to give away as well<p>
<p> Some other interesting blog posts are here,  on  Log cabin research. Jeanne Leach posts a great article on log cabins  and Deanne Gist writes about   her unusual, but fun research  while writing her book’s in the Trouble series.
 Bustles and Spurs
If you have not read her series, you should check it out, if you like fun, western books!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Hi there, don't feel bad about the pictures. You have done better than me and my blog over the holidays. I still need to get ones up from two weeks before Christmas ahhh. I think at this point it just seems like so much I keep finding other things to do. I have loved keeping up with everyone else though.

    It looks like we might make it up there this year some time so we should try to get together.


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