This is a fun different Blog tour where there are some questions for you to answer!!
1. List three things you would do with a chest full of gold (assuming you
got to keep it!)
Three things, huh? Well,  I would pay off our mortgage if there was enough, put some in savings and  use some to go on some mission trips with my children.

2. List three charities/missions/organizations you support (and why).
Voice of the Martyrs– why? They  have always been a ministry I have admired ever since I read Richard and Sabrina Wumbrand’s books as a teenager.  They really minister to the persecuted church  in spreading the word about a subject that is often not talked about. <p>
Christian Aid Ministries– why? They are a ministry that 99% of the money they get goes directly to the people. Most ministries end up spending more on support staff, but they are run by tons of volunteers and supported by many, many christians. They do not just give handouts to poor people, but help with things for the future so they can survive, like cows, pieces of land, seeds, wagons, sewing machines. They take donations and volunteers if you are interested! They are run by Mennonites, but serve all over the world, including here in the USA, during disasters. <p>
Hand of Help-why? Probably because we know the people who started it personally. They came over to America when they were kicked out of Romania after the  their grandfather was tortured and on the electric chair twice, but they could  not kill him, so they sent him here. They lived in a tiny two bedroom apt. here and started a ministry to the Romanians back home, when they were allowed to visit.

3. List three ways you have volunteered your time/services.
This  feels a little odd to say it on my blog…..
I  have and still bring meals to people, I was a volunteer ambulance EMT-F for awhile, and watch people’s children when they need it.

4. List three things you keep "hidden" when company comes over.
Do I have to say? Well, we have a TV/VCR I don’t really like it out and so I put that away when company comes over.  Otherwise, I am trying to think of anything else….not much!

5. List the last three things you’ve lost.
My keys…..I have done so much better with this, but still with boys with a fascination for keys, they  vanish and my memory and doing ten things at once does not help!
A bill…it has been driving me crazy too! I cannot remember if it is for $314 or $340
i am having a hard time thinking of a third thing, my children have lost things! I am also sort of famous for hiding money or checks in odd places and forgetting about it. Not a good thing!

6. List the last three things you’ve found.<p>
My keys…I found them in the garage! i set them down while getting a extension cord!
Netflix envelope that had vanished, I found it after I no longer need it.
Still have not found the bill!

During the tour, both you and your readers can enter to win one of FIVE
signed copies of A Whisper of Freedom by signing up for Tricia’s newsletter

Three brave "players" will be selected at random to win their own lost gold
(Gourmet chocolate coins and all three books in the Chronicles of the
Spanish Civil War series). To enter all you have to do is answer the MEME on
your blog and then leave a comment on Tricia’s blog tour post here
that you’ve posted your MEME. Easy.
Check out the rest of the blog tour here on Tricia’s blog!<p> A Whisper of Freedom is the final book in this series about the Spanish Civil War.
Battles heat up…not only those being waged by the soldiers on both sides fighting for Spain, but in the hearts and minds of the men and women who must sacrifice more than their dreams to save the lives of their loved ones.

In this meticulously researched novel, brave and idealistic Sophie, Philip, Jose, and Deion realize their only hope for freedom is escaping Spain’s borders.

By continuing the story of this band of volunteers during the Spanish Civil War, A Whisper of Freedom proves that there are whispers of hope and liberty that resonate through even the darkest night.
<p> I think I enjoyed this book the most out of the whole series. Maybe it was because I  thought I may not get it, or I read it slower, who knows? But, I think you could really feel the emotions  and passions of the different people in this story. There are several who you are following in the book, but you could see each one through their struggles, the amazing love one friend could have for a friend and how that truly lived out my favorite bible verse "No greater love is this, than a man lay down his life for a friend." John 15:13
This is not a typical historical fiction romance novel that someone will scoff at. This series is a deep historical series, delving into parts of history you may have never read about, I know I had not! There is a romance, but not the focus of the story at all. If you want to read a excerpt, click on this link

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Good luck with the bill. :)

    Thanks for joining the tour and for playing along Martha!


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