"For I have learned that whatever state I am in, to be content." Philippians 4:11<p>
This is a harder lesson to learn sometimes. I think we think of it often as in our daily lives, food, clothes, houses etc. which is true, but also I think sometimes it can be where we have been placed in our life. <p> Our purpose in life may have been decided for us by the actions of others, like our parents, our spouses, our children even, yet can we say that in whatever state we are in, we can be content? <p> Many of us have life circumstances that we would rather live without it. A spouse that is ill, children who have problems, relatives that cause issues, it may be that our parents have made decisions that will effect us for the rest of our lives. I read a story about a family with Fragile X syndrome, which is passed down from person to person. How would we feel if we realized this was a "gift" our parents gave us?  Would we be bitter? <p> I have had some difficult things to deal with that happened. I have had to look at them as facts, they are things that will not or cannot be changed. Through this I  have a choice, I can look at it and be frightened to death. I can sit and think of all the scenarios that could happen in the future, or I can enjoy each and every day to the fullest now. I can be bitter I was handed this. I can blame myself for decisions I made, my parents made or other people made and be bitter and grumpy about it and be miserable the whole while. <p> I could sit inside and wonder why, but instead  I choose to look at what has come out of it that is good. Through some of the circumstances in my life, I have been able to connect with people, I would not have been able to before. I have been able to minister to others because of my pain, I understand theirs.   I knew as a small child, that God had called me to be a missionary, but I did not realize His plan was not to be a missionary in the sense that I expected, but that God had a special mission field planned for me that did not involve heroism, great laud and fame. Instead, it is the mission field of something that may never be noticed, sacrifices that people may never see because they are ones that are within. <p>  Some of the sacrifice is never being able to ever speak of things that have happened to most people, but instead being qualified to listen to others pain. It is  bearing a burden that if you did tell, you wonder if people would believe you as when you have hinted at it, the reactions were mixed. You bear the silent pain of wondering if your children will suffer from the same things, you wonder why some people cannot comprehend it and allow it to continue. <p> But through it all you make a choice "I have learned that in whatever state I am in, to therefore be content!!" Paul suffered so much if you read the verses above this, he knew pain, suffering, beatings, imprisonment, stonings, loss of friends, people not understanding him, all those things. Yet, he was content and kept pressing on to the high calling and sacrificing himself for the name of Christ. <p> I wonder are we willing to sacrifice all for the name of Christ? Are we willing to  lay everything down and be servants to others and deny ourselves for those in our family, our friends and those that come through our lives? That may mean something different for everyone! For one of us, it may mean changing diapers, and for another it may mean loving one of our siblings who is hard to love. For another it may mean caring for someone  with an illness, a spouse with depression, a job loss,  financial problems and others. <p> Whatever your state is, I will pray that along with me, you will take the challenge to be content! "For Godliness with contentment is great gain." 1 Timothy 6:6

This Post Has One Comment

  1. stillearning

    Always a great topic to read about. You are very right, the mission field often isn't what we expect it to be (who, what, or often where!) Thanks for the encouragement. Praying for you to also be encouraged today, Pam

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