Yay! Tonight is taco salad, but my lettuce went bad so I may have to either go shopping tonight or make it tomorrow.
Cleaning out the fridge is a wonderful feeling! But I am going to make the ginger cookies!

Last night the pita bread and pilaf was really good!

Pita bread is so easy to make….I don’t have to  buy them anymore! They are fast too!

Wednesday: Garlic Chicken Pasta with spinach

Thursday: Black beans and rice, salad

Friday: Middle Eastern dinner……Hardboiled eggs, cucumbers, tomatoes, pita bread…..roasted meat

Saturday: Leftovers

Sunday: Bean and cheese burritos, popcorn, cookies

Monday: Tortilla soup, corn chips, salad and fruit

Tuesday: Chicken sandwiches with lettuce and tomato, Potato wedges, sliced vegetables

To Buy:



Tortilla chips





Hamburger buns

Cheese chunk…(I never bought it last week, I did spend about $5 more  on groceries last week on 2 big bags of chocolate chips and a big can of beans)

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