without pictures. My camera has vanished and I may have to look to replace it, but in the meanwhile, we are stuck with boring posts.
My last few weeks have been an adventure to say the least.  If you combine lack of sleep from insomnia and pain issues, a broken car, broken computer, helping out with graduation, finishing up school, leaky dishwasher, get-togethers, organizing and preparing for the annual book sale for the homeschool group, and top it off with all kinds of fun and laughter….you get some very exhausted people.
It has been great though. We decided to spend the money and have the car fixed. F. is happy about that! He really misses having his own wheels!
The book sale day was on a wonderful, sunny day and was busy with many people out browsing and buying. It is always nice to visit with others and spend the day in fellowship.
I am hoping to find the camera or maybe replace it, but for now, with the extra expenses, it will likely need to wait awhile. I just don’t want to miss chronicling the summer, which if anyone is wondering, I am hoping to plan on spending lots of time in the yard, reading and encouraging the boys to read. I will be volunteering at a camp for a week this summer, acting as a doula for a client, and hopefully resting up for another school year more than last year. Last summer was quite stressful and sad, as we lost my aunt last summer.
I am working on organizing, paring down on things, so hopefully things stay cleaner. It is not there yet, by any means, but we are working towards it. I was rejoicing as I gave away almost all the preschool/kindergarten puzzles that have plagued me for years. I gave away a lot of books and hopefully someone can find some use for them!
I am working on starting a Christian fiction swap group on Facebook this week, which I think will be fun!
Other than that, I am praying diligently about my children, for wisdom to not make the wrong choices in the daily decisions I have to make. I hope they see I can react to these hard things we are going through in the right way.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. JaniceG

    With or without pics, your posts are never boring!

    1. martyomenko

      Aww, thank you! My life is never boring, but sometimes it feels that without pictures, I am not the best at creating word pictures!

  2. simone

    Praying a blessing on you, Martha.

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