Yesterday I went to an Amish auction, which was always the highlight of my life growing up! It was fun, but somehow  not quite the same as when you were a child! For one thing, I was the parent of three hungry boys who see all these wonderful smelling, yet expensive, food all over and they wanted to eat all day long! boy, was I glad I packed sandwiches, muffins, water and granola bars otherwise I would have been really in trouble! Not only did they eat a bowl of cereal before leaving, but they had all the food I brought, plus one chicken dinner (BBQ chicken, rolls, mashed potatoes and gravy and coleslaw), hot dogs, cookies, ice cream, kettle corn, more chicken and they were hungry when we got home! Yeah… was alot of food! <p> I was able to buy some nice plants there for a reasonable price which was nice. I need to go plant them today!
I am feeling really tired out today and shaky, so need to go and rest awhile though.
I forgot my camera, so did not get too many pictures. There were some very beautiful quits which we enjoyed greatly!

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    I wish I'd known you were there and I would have looked for you! The chicken dinner was yummy, huh? So was that homemade ice cream!


  2. recipefiend

    I missed seeing you too, Angie! That is too bad!

  3. Moriah

    Hey…I was one of those starving kids at the auction. Sometimes we'd get the money to buy a few plates a share them all. Remember, I'd spend all my birthday money at the auction on butterfingers and pop. Good memories.

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