Does anyone else find that even without a alarm clock you wake up on time for the day? At the same time everyday? I tend to wake up when the sun comes up. So in the winter I struggle with getting up early, in the summer it is much easier!

this morning I woke up and thought it was monday! I was laying there planning how to get everything done when suddenly it came to me, if it is Monday, we skipped Sunday! Oh no, it is Sunday!!!

I was ready for Monday, but not Sunday yet, so there was much racing to get everything done!

Yeah, well, monday is going to be a bit busy!

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  1. loefflermom

    So did you remember that it was Father's Day?

    Hope you had a great day anyway!


  2. cappuccinosmom

    I used to be that way. But now Josiah has to get up so early that it takes 3 alarm clocks to get us out of bed, and if Biruk happens to be nursing at the time, we're done for–nursing puts me into deeeeep sleep.

    Fortunately, it's hard to replace someone who's willing to go to work at 3 am, so Josiah's boss is gracious about tardiness. :)

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