It has been while since I have been able to do that. We had a nice restful day.
I was thinking about all the things I have to do! Oh, and then I thought I am going to just do them slowly! I sorted through the piles of clothes that were given to us. They gave us all sorts of name brand clothing. Some were summer and some were winter clothes. I sorted them out and put them away as well as did laundry, cleaned the house a bit, baked brownies and 2 big loaves of zucchini bread and one small one.
I finished my skirt that I was working on! It is tan with flowers on it and then I put ribbon around the waist for a waistband. I would like to sew a bit more, but I am not sure when I will be able to.
The boys are a bit wild and they need to go to sleep so away I go to get them to bed!

But before I go, I was thinking about forgiveness. Sometimes when I think about some of the hurts that I have suffered through it is so hard, but I think of Jesus and His great love for us and how much forgiveness He grants us.
Maybe I will start writing down some of my fun experiences I had in MN so I can remember them instead of some of the more unhappy ones! I did have a thought today that I remembered I took cold showers, to prepare me to be a missionary in Africa. It really was preparing me for MN and living without any running water! Not quite as lofty of mission work, but it was still an experience!

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Hutcheson

    I enjoyed reading your blog. It sounds like you had a wonderful day. I know what you mean about forgiveness. Sometimes it is so hard to do and sometimes I think I've forgiven but something comes up to bring it back to mind and I realize that the unforgiveness is still there. It's an area I need to work on.

    God bless,

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