In case some of you have a Baskin-Robbins in your area and you are interested, tomorrow  they are offering ice cream for .31 a scoop in honor of fallen firemen. Baskin-Robbins 31 cent icecream <p>
We are planning on going as I thought it would be fun and 2 of the boys have a free cone there so this way the others get a cone also! They were all thrilled about it!

Martha Artyomenko is an unpublished fiction author who has published some nonfiction magazine articles and reviews over the years. An avid reader and mother of four sons, she brings her many years of expertise to play when writing realistic fiction about topics of mothering, domestic violence, and childbirth. In her free time, if she is not reading, you will find her walking while musing about her next story to write or traveling to learn history for another story. Martha Artyomenko supports authors by running an active social media group (Avid Readers of Christian Fiction) and newsletter promoting niche fiction authors that would otherwise be unknown. Join me by leaving a comment or signing up for the newsletter.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. loefflermom

    Sounds like fun! I hope that you have a great outing!!!! I am also excited to hear about your fence. Our place has a fenced front and back yard and I love it. My youngest two love to be outside while I am doing school with the older two. It's nice to not have to worry about them!!!!

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