I was amazed to see that I just posted my 1000th post! Wow….did I really write that much?  That was exciting!!
I thought that to celebrate, I would offer a giveaway!!

I thought I would offer two giveaways for this occasion….what are they? Why books of course!!! <p>
In order to enter, please comment on this blog post and tell me what is your favorite season and why? <p>

Already Gone by Ken Ham
If you look around in your church today, two-thirds of the young people who are sitting among us have already left in their hearts; soon they will be gone for good.

This is the alarming conclusion from a study Answers in Genesis commissioned from America’s Research Group, led by respected researcher Britt Beemer. The results may unnerve you – they may shake long-held assumptions to the core-but these results need to be taken seriously by the church. Already Gone reveals:

Why America’s churches have lost an entire generation of believers

The views of 1,000 twenty-somethings, solidly raised in the church but no longer attending-and their reasons why

Relevant statistical data effectively teamed with powerful apologetics

The study found that we are losing our kids in elementary, middle school, and high school rather than college, and the Sunday school syndrome is contributing to the epidemic, rather than helping alleviate it. This is an alarming wake-up call for the church, showing how our programs and our children are paying the price. Though the statistics reveal a huge disconnect taking place between our children and their church experience, Already Gone shows how to fight back for our families, our churches, and our world. We can make a difference today that will affect the statistics of tomorrow in a positive and Christ-focused way!

And the second giveaway will be a surprise pack of Christian fiction of at least 2 books, but maybe more….<p>
Please indicate when you enter the giveaway, which one you wish to enter for. Please leave your email address like this camber(at)yahoo(dot)com to prevent spammers and give me a way to contact you in case you win. If you do not answer the question or leave an email address you will not be entered.

If you would like more than one entry into either contest,  post something about this contest on your blog.
Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    Hi Martha. Congratulations on your 1,000th post. I think I am on #5. I would like to enter the give away. I prefer the two fiction books.
    My email is teemact(at)optonline(dot)net

  2. Anonymous

    My favorite season is: the next season on the calendar. Why? Because I love the feeling of anticipation. There is a sense of freedom that comes from the expectation of a new season. Freedom from the normalcy of today's season. A sort of escape. I'd love to be entered to win the fiction giveaway. And congrats on your 100th entry! Kathy Carlton Willis WillisWay (at) aol (dot) com

  3. Anonymous

    Kathy here again–just had to admit my oops. What a difference a big fat zero makes! Not your 100th post, but your ONE THOUSANDth post! Big dif! Congrats. My apologies for missing that zero.

  4. Anonymous

    I'm entering for the video by Ken Ham. My favorite season is Winter. I live in North Carolina, so we have a relatively mild winter, but I love the cold days of bundling up and drinking hot chocolate and apple cider. It's also my favorite time of year because it's when we celebrate our Savior's birth.

    Robin Mc (from PW's)

    My email address is raynrobinm(at)msn(dot)com.

  5. Linda

    Congrats on your 1000th post!!! I guess I never thought to count!

    Please enter me in your contest. Thanks.
    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  6. Anonymous

    What a GREAT BLOG! I would LOVE to read Already Gone for two reasons. Love the Eagles song. And have a passion for keeping our young uns in the fold.

    My favorite season? For this displaced Southerner, it's summer all the way!!!

  7. Anonymous

    What a GREAT BLOG! I would LOVE to read Already Gone for two reasons. Love the Eagles song. And have a passion for keeping our young uns in the fold.

    My favorite season? For this displaced Southerner, it's summer all the way!!!

  8. Lilyofthevalley4

    Count me in, please for the 2 fiction books.

    My favourite season is spring, I love seeing everything come back to life. :)

  9. eking

    The quote here was interesting, and I didn't realize that Sunday school had anything to do with children leaving the church. While reading that would be interesting (although my dc don't go to SS anyway) my life right now rarely allows me to read two sentences together, so reading anything academic is risky. I'd like to enter for the fiction books. Easier reading!
    My favourite season is fall. We run a Bible camp, and in the fall we finally get some time to ourselves. We love the ministry, but it does get tiring by the end of the summer.

  10. Anonymous

    I would love to win "Already Gone" as I watched many in my church go through this.


  11. Anonymous

    sorry! favorite season is fall. Not sure why something about the freshness, the crispness, just feels like possibilities.

  12. Anonymous

    Please enter me in the second draw? Thank you so much!

  13. Andrea

    My favorite season is spring – new life!

    Please enter me in the second contest!

    andrealschultz at gmail dot com

  14. Anonymous

    I love spring. :) Everything just looks a lot more beautiful and fresh during that time of year.

    Ruth Baer

  15. stampedwithgrace

    I'd like to enter the drawing for the Ken Ham book!

    I'm a homeschool mom to 8 :)

    my favorite season is fall, because I love the cool weather after the unbearable heat!Edited by stampedwithgrace on Dec. 15, 2009 at 10:54 PM

  16. hershy@imbris.net

    My favorite season is summer!! I love everything about it, the sunshine, swimming, working in the field, fresh fruit and vegetables from my garden,making hay, letting the boys play outside all day, Sunday afternoon picnics with friends, I could go on and on. .Both your prizes sound great but I'd love to have the surprise pack. My email is hershy@imbris.net , God bless! Amy

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