I thought it would be fun to post some of the homemade cold cereal recipes I have. I have not made them in awhile as I do not have such an abundance of milk around, but I may try it as I do have a bunch of powdered milk!

The brown sugar is not terribly healthy for you, but hey, at least you made it and you know what is in there! I think if you use some barley flour, it maybe sweeter and need less sugar.

Leah’s Grape nuts (I do not even remember where we got the first recipe from so cannot cite that, but we changed it a bit)

3 lbs brown sugar
2 1/2 qts. Sour milk

3/4 lb melted margarine or oil
8 lbs whole wheat flour

1 1/4 t. salt
1/2 t. maple flavoring

2 t. soda
2 T. vanilla

Dissolve soda in milk before adding dry ingredients. Add butter and flavorings. It will be a very thick batter. If it is too thick or too thin add more milk or flour accordingly.
Spread on cookie trays that are greased. Bake at 350 until a knife comes clean from the middle. Cool.

Break into chunks and rub through a screen to get small chunks or process a few seconds in the food processor. Do not get them too small or it will be like eating breadcrumbs. Spread on cookie trays and toast in a slow oven until browned lightly and very dry.

We also liked to eat the cake with frosting as a dessert. We would also just eat the cake plain with milk.


Preheat oven to 350
Melt in large roasting pan:
1/2 c oil
1 c. margarine or butter (I think I used less, but I cannot remember now)
2 t. molasses

1 T. vanilla
1 c. brown sugar
1 c. honey
1/2 t. salt

When mixed, let cool let cool slightly and add:

2 lbs rolled oats
1/2 c. sesame seeds

1 c. chopped nuts

2 c. grape nuts
1 c. wheat germ

1 lb coconut
1 c. sunflower seeds

(I do not like all this stuff, so if you do not have it or don’t like things like nuts or coconut, add more grape nuts or oatmeal instead so you have the same amount of dry ingredients. Stir thoroughly Bake in shallow pans for 20-25 minute.

Stir every 5-7 minutes after it cools it gets crunchy. After it has cooled you can add dried fruit if you like!

I have also a homemade corn cereal recipe we used to make also, it is sweeter and not as good for you, but better than cold cereal!

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. homeschoolingmommaof4

    Great tip. Thanks for sharing these recipes.

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