Winter is here and it makes life a little interesting for people with driving jobs. My husband had a interesting morning. He leaves about 6 am and at his first stop, he needed to check the oil and the bus just died! Thankfully he was near the bus home station, so they traded buses and told him later that it was so good that it died there as if it had died in one of his remote locations he drives to it would have been hard! It was a something that just happened at that time, something in the electrical system. Anyhow, it must have been God's plan that he had to check the oil then and it would not start! It is amazing how God take care of us in little ways.

We were talking about the difference there is driving in the snow, suddenly there is no turn lanes, no lane markers on the pavement and the first drivers make the space! We stopped by the library today to get a couple of holds. One was the Little Town on the Prairie CD's, so that meant that the 2 older boys sat in the bedroom totally silent which was a huge relief! It didn't prevent the younger 2 from trying to clean the bathroom with shaving cream, and try to help me in many other ways. It was so helpful as you can imagine!

Martha Artyomenko is an unpublished fiction author who has published some nonfiction magazine articles and reviews over the years. An avid reader and mother of four sons, she brings her many years of expertise to play when writing realistic fiction about topics of mothering, domestic violence, and childbirth. In her free time, if she is not reading, you will find her walking while musing about her next story to write or traveling to learn history for another story. Martha Artyomenko supports authors by running an active social media group (Avid Readers of Christian Fiction) and newsletter promoting niche fiction authors that would otherwise be unknown. Join me by leaving a comment or signing up for the newsletter.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    Winter does change the way that we do things. It is so cold right now and cold here is a wet windy cold. So did I guess the right state? You have had a lot of guesses are they all wrong so far? ~Diana

  2. Lilyofthevalley4

    That is wonderful how the Lord impressed Fred to check the oil when he did. God is good!

    I have know you for awhile, but I don’t even know what State you were born in! LOL Maybe you have mentioned it, but I have forgotten!!

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