It seems like out there ther is all different ways to teach them. You can take your choice in child training to school to just plain how to live, everyone has an opinion!!!

I grew up in a large family, yet when I started to think about child training, I felt confused. There was this method and that method. The same when I went to start homeschooling, I grew up being homeschooled also, and still confusion settled in when all the homeschool catalogs came. It wasn’t because there was not alot of stuff to look at, there was so many things that all said “We are the best!!!!”

Then you run into all the methods of homeschooling. There are unschoolers, the people who do “school” at home complete with desks and schedules, the ones who sit at the table to learn and then ones like me who do not have a clue where I fit in!

My conclusion is there is not a “one size fits all” type of schooling for everyone and that must be why there is so many different things to choose from.

So, what is the best way to teach/train children? How do they learn how to eat? How do they learn how to behave? They watch us and imitate us.

I think that with practice they will learn how to read whether that is doing phonics books, reading aloud, sounding out words as we go and when they listen to their mother exclaim about how wonderful reading is, they will learn how to read and function in life.

If I am wrong……well, then we will try something else! But, just thinking by watching my 2 year old imitate me, my words, my actions in putting his stuffed animal to bed, I think that if I work on myself then I should be successful!

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. RobinKelly

    You will be successful. In understanding how each child individually learns you will also become aware of how you are gifted to teach. So, through trial and error you will figure it out. And as long as you can balance the two, it will work for your kids and it will work for you!

  2. knitteralaska

    Martha, I get confused too! They do all say that they are the "best". I think the best thing is time spent with your kids though, something you obviously do based on what you write! :) – Briana (pw group)

  3. Anonymous

    dearest martha,
    i am still not receiving any notices when you update you blog. do i need to register with your sight or did you forget to add me to your list or whatever like you talked last time. let me know. have a great day. grace.
    p.s. so which sister is expecting?

  4. amandasangels

    That is so true! I am continually noticing that some of the bad behaviors my kiddos have come from their father and I. I was just thinking the other day how it's so sweet the way they want to be just like us, but possibly more scary than sweet!
    Love & Blessings,
    (: Amanda :)

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