I am sure you all have realized that usually sometime along the way, life usually happens and messes up the best laid plans.  We have been doing find following my menu plan although we had tortilla chips instead of cornbread with chili on Friday and Thursday everyone ate leftovers. I had been babysitting all day and was so tired. <p> Then last night we had a little disaster! I was distracted, not a good thing to do when you
are cooking and  was basting the chicken and I guess my liquid was not hot enough, the pan was too hot or something, anyhow, it was glass and broke. It sent chicken juice all over the bottom of the oven and glass, smoke filled the air and distress filled the children who were looking forward to eating the chicken all week! Even T. was up late wondering what happened to the chicken.  It hurt really bad to throw away food, but it is not worth the risk! <p> Anyhow, so we had potatoes and carrots for dinner, I made a cake this morning to bring along to potluck as no soup, but I had everything for it, so we are still on track.  Everyone was just a little hungry last night! <p> Anyhow, I managed to actually stay calm through the disaster and now next week, hopefully chicken is on sale so I can make some boys happy!

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  1. Lilyofthevalley4

    Oh, MY!! Sorry to hear!! I had something like that happen once, I felt terrible for having to throw the food away, but it is not worth eating it, when there could be glass pieces in it.

    Hope you can get some chicken this week for a good price.

  2. Anonymous

    I, too, had a pyrex baking dish do the same thing.,..I had 2 overnight breakfast casseroles to bake for a Sunrise Service…yep, big explosion and gunk everywhere! Someone told me that I should have brought the dishes to room temp before putting in the oven. I don't know…I'm a little skeptical when it comes to glass ovenware. North Idaho reader

  3. Martha

    I love my glass pans, but this scared me and I think I will not be ever cooking chicken in glass again, that is for sure!

  4. pbrfans1

    That's crazy! I don't even have any pans besides my pyrex ones. That's so hard to throw out food. Especially meat! Keep your eyes open at Albertsons…they often have chickens go for 89 cents a pound. Are you the one that made those yummy potatoes and carrots in the crockpot? Those were sooo good!

  5. curiouscat

    1. I love your family picture! very neat.
    2. I followed your link from Frugal_moms_menus.. I'm also a homeschooler so thought I'd say 'hi'.
    3. yikes on the glass dish breaking in the oven! Is it a gas or electric oven?
    4. currently we spend WAY too much on groceries, are you using store ads to shop with or writing a menu first?
    5. If you visit /canadagirl on Tuesday (I see her on your friend's list) she is starting a Tightwad Tuesday meme, I know you have some experience and can help us all lol.

    have a great week!
    aka /HeartnSoul here at HSB and /desertoasis on HSB2 (homesteadblogger.com)

  6. loefflermom

    Oh my! I am sure glad no one was hurt!


  7. Cappuccinosmom

    Oh my. I probably would have cried. That would scare me so badly!

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