We do a lot of the same things each week! It might seem a little boring when you are looking at it!
Monday, we normally go to the library in the afternoon after school, from 2-4. I volunteer for that time and the boys get computer time.
This week, however, the library was closed for Columbus day. The boys had basketball practice as well that night!

T. showing off his books! He is working through the reader that is pretty easy, but I am trying to get his speed up!
(Notice the upside down handwriting book)
L. reading time!!!
L. is working on the computer with Teaching Textbooks for math, grade 5 math (which is really more like middle of grade 4). He is doing CLE Reading 4 and Language Arts. He is enjoying reading for pleasure as well!

Lunchtime is always an important part of every school day!
(Side note…donuts are my husband’s treats!! I still cannot convince him that sugar and fried food is bad for you!)
Wednesday- We were working on the senses in MFW science and the field trip for the day complimented it!
In the car on the way up there! We go up to this nature/State park visitor’s center to take these classes. They are really educational and informative. They are above T.’s level, but good for him to sit and listen.

It was on Skull, Skin and Bones….and they learned a lot about different animal senses.

Discussing the skin

I was so tired out, I have not been sleeping well and managed to take a break during the class to read a bit.

Piano practice


T. finished another chapter in his math book. He is on Chapter 11 now and speeding along. He will likely be in the third grade book sooner than later!

Thursdays we have multiple outside classes….

T. is taking a Measurement class right now!

L. is taking Beginning Writing and a Science class


P. is taking Pre-Algebra (but also learning some Geometry and Algebra) and Writing 2 (An IEW course). It is really helpful to have the class to help encourage him and keep him on task. He does his work throughout the week and reports in once a week.


H. is doing a lot at home right now, so no classes for him this session, but he got to enjoy lunch out with his aunts and mom.

More basketball practice and we had a parent meeting. Basketball will be a major part of our lives for the next two months.

After basketball, we went for a three and half mile hike up the small mountain. It was a good workout, and I feel ready to sleep! I am so ready for the weekend!

Today, we finished up Week 7 of MFW, practiced bible memory, spelling words and did our regular subjects.
I am looking forward to a couple days off before Week 8!
They have a basketball game this afternoon….and baking to be done!


Martha Artyomenko is an unpublished fiction author who has published some nonfiction magazine articles and reviews over the years. An avid reader and mother of four sons, she brings her many years of expertise to play when writing realistic fiction about topics of mothering, domestic violence, and childbirth. In her free time, if she is not reading, you will find her walking while musing about her next story to write or traveling to learn history for another story. Martha Artyomenko supports authors by running an active social media group (Avid Readers of Christian Fiction) and newsletter promoting niche fiction authors that would otherwise be unknown. Join me by leaving a comment or signing up for the newsletter.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. JoAnn

    Love the pictures. Sounds like a good week.

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