I am looking back over the week and thinking..”Was that just last week?” Wow, it has been quite the week!

We started off the week with a 1895 school day adventure for my younger two sons.

They packed a lunch and wrapped in wax paper and a cloth to carry it in. It was as old fashioned as we could think!

There was a good group of children participating, but mostly boys!

They had a lot of fun and learned a lot!
We did our regular library volunteer work, but cut it a bit short as we had a basketball game a bit out of town.

The team was a very aggressive team, and I remembered from the year previous, so prayed no one would get injured.
One one person was injured and they were on the other team. It was a couple of close games, but they were great!

The row of boys:

Tuesday: We added to our regular school some study of the branches of government, which was interesting and actually helped me to understand the voting process a bit better. We read a couple of books in addition to our regular MFW reading and when we finished our school work, we went out to place our vote.

It was hard to get them all smiling!!

The ice cream cone afterwards helped!


It was the only day we did not have anything planned out, so I went to the grocery store after school was done. It is getting very cold outside, but this day we decided to attempt a walk. I met a friend at McDonald’s, not my favorite place, but it was inside so the children could run and play.
The boys enjoying their fries

In the “king” chair.

We went to the park to do some walking and walked a good 2 miles. The children went on the Merry go Around a bit too!

We found this really odd bug. It did not look like it was a good bug, but while it is hard to see in the picture, when we went near it, it raised it’s back end up like a scorpion and tried to sting.

We were working on studying anatomy, which went along with what I had happen to me as my neck went out badly in the morning. After some pain relief, hot shower, I was able to read, but was up and down all day. The chiropractor paid a house call and I felt much better earlier that week, but then Thursday, it went out again, even worse. I was in so much pain. I drove up to the house after school to get adjusted and spent the day in pain.
We had a basketball game that night, which thankfully was not far, so we went and had a great couple of games there.
One of the other team broke his arm, which made the game go longer than usual, but he had just gotten his cast off the day before, so it was especially bad.
We finished school in a hurry, and I bought marshmallows to make teeth models, but we haven’t done it yet. We read all about teeth with my helper!

We had an early game and practice from 12-3, so after school, we went to that. It is so hard to not get blurry pictures of them running!
Listening to the coaches



Back and forth, back and forth

Air Borne!!!

A blur of motion


It was a great week and I am finally figuring out how to fix my neck. It has been a painful week, but I am hoping to heal up and be better by Monday!
I had a great tea with a friend today, and am up to almost 17K words on NaNoWriMo.


Martha Artyomenko is an unpublished fiction author who has published some nonfiction magazine articles and reviews over the years. An avid reader and mother of four sons, she brings her many years of expertise to play when writing realistic fiction about topics of mothering, domestic violence, and childbirth. In her free time, if she is not reading, you will find her walking while musing about her next story to write or traveling to learn history for another story. Martha Artyomenko supports authors by running an active social media group (Avid Readers of Christian Fiction) and newsletter promoting niche fiction authors that would otherwise be unknown. Join me by leaving a comment or signing up for the newsletter.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. JoAnn

    So sorry about your neck issues, neck pain is never easy. Glad you had a good week other than that. I hope you get the neck pain cleared up soon.

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