Watch Over me
By Christa Parrish
Reviewed by Martha Artyomenko

Deputy Benjamin Patil is one to find the infant girl, abandoned in a field, just hours old. She is left in a plastic grocery sack, conjuring up all kinds of imagined or unimagined thoughts of the type of person who would do such a thing. As the police try to find the mother, the deputy and his wife, Abby, take in the baby as a foster child.
Will the baby bring healing to their wounded marriage, or will it open up new or rather, old wounds for the both of them?  Can they choose to  go on and fight for their marriage, or just give up as so many others before them?
My Review:

This book was not a book you want to pick up if you are looking for  a happy, go lucky, fictional story. This story has enough pain in it to be real.  Ben  is a veteran that is suffering from guilt for not saving his friend and is struggling with his marriage now as he closes himself off from his wife in his pain. His wife is suffering her own pain from the past, and now God in the middle of it all places a child in their home.  Then also, there is Matthew, the deaf boy who has alot of strikes against him, but is brilliant despite his disability. What can he do to help with the healing in this family? Can they find the mother of the baby?<p>
I enjoyed reading this story, even though it was a hard one to read. When I finished it, I wondered why it was ended that way, I wished for  a different ending, but sometimes real life is more like this book. Watch over me is a tale of pain, heartache and the joy that comes in the middle of those things. This book will touch your heart and your soul and cause you to dig deep within. – Martha

(Thank you to Bethany House Publishers for providing this review copy)

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Anonymous

    This sounds like a heavy book, but one worth reading.
    Thanks for sharing.

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