Sometimes I wonder if all the searching is worth it!
I have spent alot of time looking for a a couple of math books for the boys and I am wondering if I should just get them new, but then that is alot more money! So, which is more important, money or time?
If I look over the budget and see we have the money for it, I may just buy them, at least the 3rd grade one as I need a complete one for him, but I could use a partially used one for 1st grade so it seems a waste to buy a new one that I am only going to use half of it!
Then there comes all the opinions on schoolbooks, like I said in my last post – Everything is the best!! Some people feel you are not doing good enough unless you use one way or another, but the thing is children are all different!
My sister had her 18th birthday yesterday. She was down here so she wanted to go somewhere together so finally after much trouble with my other sisters car, we went to a resteraunt at 10:30pm!!!! I took 2 of the boys who were so tired by the time we left, that one was hyper and the other could barely walk! They were just eating dinner, but we had already eaten of course, so had some dessert! $5 for one piece of pie with some ice cream………I could make a fortune on pie if I sold pie for that much. I wonder how much they really sell? The boys each had a sundae and some of the other people’s leftovers. I endedup getting her some nice lotion and body butter on sale at Bath and Body Works and gave her some Russian candy! She seemed to like it…..
I want to post a book review so I guess, I should formulate my thoughts on it. I wrote one a long ago onthe same book, I should look over it!
Hope your able to find your math books! : )