These two cousins are almost like brothers! They love playing with each other most of the time, but as you can see here there is a big disagreement about something VERY important!! Guess what it was? Where the bag of grapes should be while they were eating it! <p> It makes me think of how we often as we grow up make huge deals out of little things and if it were toddlers, we would look and laugh, but often as grown ups we make mountains out of molehills and talk, argue, don’t speak to one another or whatever we feel like because of these little things. Even in the church, we take issues with clothing, music or the like and because some people are different we treat them a certain way……sometimes I sit back and wonder if God looks at us like we look down on these 4 years olds and thinks "How silly!!! Don’t they know it would be so much better if they would JUST GET ALONG!!" i know I feel that way about 4 year olds sometimes!!!
I just love your blog posts Martha. You always have something interesting to say! How true, really we're all not much different are we?