I am planning on spending a little extra this month for the  oatmeal etc this month, but also I am going to buy some flour and then hope that it goes on sale at the case sale in April…..I  bought I think 80 lbs in Oct. and it is almost gone! That is alot of flour!
Wednesday: Chicken vegetable soup/ homemade bread
Thursday: Pizza- salad (have to use up the cheese)
Friday:   Haystacks (I’ll make the meat and beans in the crockpot)
Saturday: Potato Soup- Muffins
Sunday: Hopefully we will be eating dinner elsewhere, but for lunch we will have leftover soup
Monday: Cabbage Rolls, mashed potatoes
Tuesday: Cheeseburger and French Fry casserole, salad
<p> For lunches this week we  are planning on leftovers, sandwiches and hot dogs.

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