I am so tired out, I am  thinking it is a combination of things, but  I  could do a whole post on lack of sleep, no energy  and wondering how to get everything done! However, here is a list of things to accomplish today. We will see if I can get them done! <p>

  1. Clean office
  2. Find bags for library tapes
  3. Vacuum
  4. Load of laundry washed
  5. Dried
  6. Put Away
  7. Deal with daily disputes in a calm manner<p>

That last one has been the hardest for me, I am struggling with how to deal with normal everyday squabbles in a kind effective manner.  When your brain is tired it is hard to think of a great way to deal with it!!! <p> I need to also plan the rest of this weeks meals. We have been eating soup and then I made a large pan of spaghetti sauce, so we have had Penne with meat and sauce, Lasagna and leftovers from it for the past few days.  I was trying to think of something more imaginative than just spaghetti now!!! I spent extra money this week on fruit and vegetables, so our main dishes are leaner and having to use up what we have. I may make company casserole for tomorrow. although it is expensive, normally, I have all the stuff in the fridge!

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  1. drewsfamilytx

    I hope you get some rest!

    Mmmm… homemade sauce sounds yummy. Thanks for sharing your plan– it's nice to hear other people's plan so I can see what we can do in *our* family!

  2. loefflermom

    I too have been struggling to respond to my boys squabbling well. May God give us the grace to love our kids well.

    Hang in there!


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