About the Book:
(From back cover)
Ballet has always been my life, but one terrible moment may have destroyed everything I’ve worked so hard for—especially my title of Octavia Ricci, principal ballerina. I thought for sure my physical therapist, Dr. Noah Wright, could help me obtain my dream once more, but he wants more than I’m prepared to give.
I’ve seen firsthand the trials of interracial relationships. I’m a product of one myself and promised I’d never put my hopefully-someday kids through that drama. Everyone keeps telling me to let go of other people’s expectations, but I’m just not sure I can. Besides, if my dreams of returning to ballet are futile, what hope is there in seeking unconditional love?
The Price of Dreams is the third and final book in the Christian Chick Lit series: Faith & Fortune.
My Review:
I enjoyed the struggle and reality in this cute romance. It gave a picture into the life of a famous athlete/performer and made her personable.
As she struggled with accepting her injury, I knew the feeling well. You are giving up everything you have worked so hard for, and the fear of looking at things differently freaks you out. The author walks us through her journey, you cannot help, but see yourself in her shoes.
I highly recommend the whole series! I was struggling with reading books a bit, which is unusual for me, and these hit the spot with something to sink your teeth into, but also giving you that happy story as well.
You can find my other reviews for ones in the series here:
You will find this book for purchase on Amazon and it is also on Kindle Unlimited. “The Price of Dreams”