chaos!!! <p> I think I am there!!! I am not sure how to stop the point of no return, but I am soaking in a quiet minute, but overwhelmed by the daily grind of things. Of course, my daily grind has been a bit more busy than most people’s. <p> Today we went on a field trip with 10 children and a baby. i had two other moms there to help me, and it went well. We went to the recycling center to learn about recycling and the kids were excited about it when we left.  I woke up with a headache though, one of those it hurts to talk headaches. It felt like it generated from the base of my spine, which reminded me that i think i may still need a chiropractor. So, I was really in no mood to  be dealing with the said 10 children…..consider most of them were under the age of 5. i survived, they did too…..thanks to ibuprofen and lots of tea. <p>
Monday was a non stop day of MOPS first, then teaching preschool, then piano lessons, then book club and i made dinner in there somewhere. i am supposed to go grocery shopping, but i wish i could just breathe for a minute!!! <p> Right now, the three youngest are at church and  P. is in his room reading or playing with legos or something and i am trying to regroup for the rest of the week. <p>
I think it is times like these though that i realize I can get caught up in my own daily struggles i forget to look around me and see how blessed I am. I have seen or heard of so many little children dying lately of cancer, fathers passing away or going away, marriages breaking up and  being  not always the type of person who "looks on the bright side", I hear it and think "It will probably be me next." But really, I am learning to  give thanks for today. I am thankful that all our boys are healthy today, my husband has a job today, we have food I can cook (If I do not attempt a strike in that dept.) and that we are healthy enough to scream, yell, run and play! <p. Yesterday, in the middle of a hard morning, i took some time to play a game of catch with my son and my husband. It was fun and it brightened my day. Hopefully, in the days to come if more trials come upon us, I can still look up and praise God for  something and say it  hurts, but God is still on the throne.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    Thinking of you today and I hope you have a quiet weekend! You do sound busy!! It can get overwhelming, I have had times this week too. Then there was a bad accident very close by yesterday afteenoon and it made me again realize how quickly things can change. We have so much to be thankful for. Praise God for these reminders and for His promises.

    ~Tanya – Lilyofthevalley – I'm doing this from my phone and I don't know my password here lol. :)

  2. Anonymous

    Thinking of you today and I hope you have a quiet weekend! You do sound busy!! It can get overwhelming, I have had times this week too. Then there was a bad accident very close by yesterday afteenoon and it made me again realize how quickly things can change. We have so much to be thankful for. Praise God for these reminders and for His promises.

    ~Tanya – Lilyofthevalley – I'm doing this from my phone and I don't know my password here lol. :)

  3. Anonymous

    LOL sorry about the double comment! :)

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