Reviewed by Martha Artyomenko



About the Book:

Television reporter Erica Sparks has just landed her dream job at Global News Network. Beautiful, talented, and ambitious, Erica grew up dirt poor, worked her way through Yale, and is carrying a terrible secret. She moves to Manhattan to join GNN, leaving Jenny, her adored 7-year-old daughter, in the custody of her ex-husband.

But she’s troubled. What a strange coincidence that both events should happen on her watch. It’s almost as if they were engineered. Is that possible?

Erica’s relentless pursuit of the truth puts her life and that of her daughter in danger. Her investigation leads her into the heart of darkness—where the future of our democracy is at stake.

My Review:

Lis Wiehl is a great suspense writer. Her writing holds your attention, yet is not creepy, but just on the edge enough to give you the willies.
I enjoyed this book, and didn’t want to put it down. I am still a bit uncertain that so many bad things would happen to one person, but it was a book.

There were two kinda/sorta swear words in this book, if you are someone that never reads that sort of thing, but really, there are only the two and they are not really written out, but you could almost miss them.
The redemption message was very clear in the story which was nice. It was not a book I rated very high, just because of the way the realism was portrayed, but I did enjoy the suspense of the story.

This book was provided for me for review by BookLook bloggers. The opinions contained herein are my own.

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