People wonder why I don’t like summer, I do enjoy being out of doors, but sometimes in the summer, it seems the busy season piles up on me and everyone has things to do, places to go,which translates into things for me to do. Then being a home owner means that upkeep needs to be done, window trim needs to be painted, indoor walls repainted, cupboards cleaned out, garage cleaned out, washing windows among other things. Of course, all of that requires money and when money is tight, well, it is hard to get it all done.

Someone asked me if I ever got everything done that I needed to get done in a day, and I replied “Never.” It always seems like when I go to bed, there was more things I should have done that day. When the mail comes there is always one more bill that needs to be paid, one more paper that someone needs for medical info, another appointment to be made.

So, yesterday, I was sitting there, slightly down and depressed, realizing that I may never get all the things done or accomplished in my life that I would like to. I started to write out a short term life goal list and long term goal list and stopped part way through, discouraged, when it came to figuring out how to achieve those said goals.

I find though that sometimes it is just looking for something, happiness elsewhere that makes us unhappy. It is great to have goals and things to work towards, but sometimes our discontent now, with what we have, can make us forget to enjoy what is in front of us.

I get discouraged or depressed thinking about what I cannot have, knowing I do not have the money or time to do all the things I want to do, I don’t have the education or resources to do the jobs I wish I could do, and my children need me around now. But it will not always be that way……they are growing up faster and faster it seems. Money comes and goes, people who are wealthy complain about many of the same things I could complain about. They are not the size they want to be, they don’t enough education to do what they want to do, they don’t have the house they want exactly, something always has to change.

I see people who flit from one town to another, not setting down roots, looking for something better, something nicer, more of what they want. I am not sure that they are happier when they get there, as they seem to move on from there as well.

I realized that we as humans were created for relationships. We are created to have relationships with God, with friends and family. It is all part  of a grand scheme of things, we should be investing first  in these things!

On the ride up from  a nearby town over 2 hours away, we listened to an old story called Dr. Dolittle, the audio book.  Dr. Doolittle cared little for money, and even relationships, except investing time and energy into the relationships he had with his animals. He scorned money and hated the fact it was a need, but later, when the animals managed to convince him it was important, he made  a way to get money and converse with his animals and people. I found it fascinating how  sometimes we have to take advantage of this needed evil, but we need to make sure we are in control of it, not that it controls us.

We need to be wise stewards of our money and our time, and make sure we make time for relationships, and take care of our monetary obligations, without letting others down.


Anyhow, those are my thoughts, meandering all over the place tonight! The boys are playing in the other room, F. is painting the window trim outside, and I just finished baking a batch of muffins and Cherry Chocolate chunk coffee cake, and the upstairs is hot, so I am down in the basement, cooling off.

Have a good night!!!

Martha Artyomenko is an unpublished fiction author who has published some nonfiction magazine articles and reviews over the years. An avid reader and mother of four sons, she brings her many years of expertise to play when writing realistic fiction about topics of mothering, domestic violence, and childbirth. In her free time, if she is not reading, you will find her walking while musing about her next story to write or traveling to learn history for another story. Martha Artyomenko supports authors by running an active social media group (Avid Readers of Christian Fiction) and newsletter promoting niche fiction authors that would otherwise be unknown. Join me by leaving a comment or signing up for the newsletter.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Denise

    Martha – you are so wise! I love reading your posts and I feel like tonight you have encouraged me to put on my thinking cap. I have been thinking a lot about the same things you have. Especially since my last child will be in school this year. What do I do now? We should get together soon :0). I would love to be able to chat with you!
    Have a great evening!

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