That title alone could bring about a lot of confusion. For some, they are imagining “The Sword of the Lord” as in Christianese terms, the bible could be referred to.

For some though, they may be thinking along the lines that I am. When the bible has been used to hurt, kill and wound other people that believe in it.

“For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.

Galations 5:13, 14″

I think often this verse is not one that is pulled out too often.

This week, I was in a car driving along a road near familiar places to me. As I traveled and the road signs went flashing by, memories flooded in.

Unbidden. Unwanted. Painful Memories.

The bible being used as a weapon, rather than loving on ones neighbor. “Christians” that claimed love, biting and devouring one another while seeking to use chains of legalism to bind others.

“You know the bible says to submit to your husband. You should do whatever he tells you, as long as it is not sin. Oh, you think that is sin? You are just trying to avoid your wifely duties. Smile and bear it. Take up your cross.”

The words sound good. “Take up your cross.”, “Deny yourself”, and other biblical terms. But how are they applying in cases where people are harming others, and using biblical excuses to cover them up?

“The bible doesn’t talk about self care or taking care of yourself. You should be careful about how much you think about it. Depression is likely being caused by sin you have not confessed. Instead, work harder to deny the lusts of the flesh and sacrifice yourself. If you die, isn’t it to the glory of God?”

They are taking advantage of something. The fact that many people are willing to do just about anything for God. But when they are taught about a false god that demands so much more than he gives, it ends up being a false religion.

I was willing to do anything for God. I still am. But I know God, and what He will ask of me. I am not listening to the voices of others telling me what God is saying as as cliche as it sounds, I know His voice. When those others butt in and try to tell me in different voices that they are the voice of God, that is when I can easily reject it.

As I drove down the highway of memories, I rejected those thoughts of legalism and condemnation that rained down, and put up my umbrella. “Not today.” I’ll say. “I am walking with my Savior today.”

I am rejecting the use of the bible as a weapon to kill and heap death on others, and instead embracing using it to show the Love of God.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. June Stedman

    Oh my gosh Martha! So good, so insightful and so helpful! I love the visual tool of the umbrella. Thank you

  2. I truly appreciate hearing your perspective and thoughts! Thank you for giving voice to the misuse and abuse twisting the Word of God can bring on those in vulnerable positions. 💗

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