I realize it is just about summer now, but I just had a small dish of Rhubarb Crunch! I have not made a real Rhubarb Crunch in, I cannot remember how long and it was really good!

This year I discovered that since the neighbors built a fence that the Rhubarb patch, I thought was theirs, was actually mine! It is not huge stalks, but nice tender red ones. <p. We used to make alot of Rhubarb stuff as we worked for aneighbor who would give us as much as wanted, growing up. She was a little odd, but she taught us alot about gardening and stuff. My sister and I worked for her, while they were on vacation and in exchange we got tons of beautiful flower plants that came back every year!

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  1. drewsfamilytx

    What is amazing to me is that you KNEW it was rhubarb!

    I am not so garden literate…

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