Yesterday went well!!! My arms are aching from all the rolling out, but it kind of feels good, you know like when you really give hem a workout? The kids I think, had fun, and we had tons of food!!!Our little Foreigners

All our food!!! We had mashed potatoes, bread, Montay, Variniky, Empanadas, crepes with cream cheese and jam, Kung Pao chicken  and lots of other stuff
Little boy from Africa……
P. is listening to Redwall in the other room, I am not terribly familiar with it, but another homeschool mom recommended them. He loves audio books, but I am making him read real books too!!!<p> It has been sunny here the last three days, I guess I did not realize how long it had been of gray days. They don’t usually bother me, but the sunshine has been so nice! I just want to lay on the rug in the living room and read in the sun…..yeah. It is not happening, although I have had some time to read. I have been keeping track this year and so far this month I read 21 books……most of them longer than 300 pages. I just re-read the series by Kristen Heitzmann Diamond of the Rockies!!! I really like that series and the one after it in modern times. I love the food descriptions. She makes it so you can almost taste the yummy italian food and smell the garlic……it is so amazing!!  They make me want to drag out each book for as long as possible as I do not want the story to end.  It is a story of danger, redemption and love though as  they learn about true love and sacrifice in marriage, while dealing with past pain and being longsuffering in pain as well. <p>
I have been trying to get tax info sorted out, which is not too hard as my sister handles most of it…..which I should be paying her for…..then I am trying to think about school next year and if I should continue homeschooling everyone or not….so many decisions. It is really tough to be a parent. I really like homeschooling, but I am trying to see what is best for the children too.
<p> I need to get some new clothes, but I went to some of the stores and in my size they have like 4-5 things on each different type of clothing. If you do not like them, you are just stuck……it is not fun. It is easier to buy book or decorations. I bought a plaque to hang on my bedroom wall instead that says "Welcome to the beach" eventually it will all be decorated and have wall hanging things to look more beach like…..or retreat like, I suppose. <p>
I have some pictures I took, I should upload, but instead my camera is upstairs and alas…..I am downstairs!! No pictures for you! <p>
My sister Mishael is very recently found out she was suprisingly pregnant…. it was a surprise as her baby is fairly small yet. She decided to defy the odds a bit more and got pregnant with triplets we found out….pray for her as she needs every bit of prayer she can that she can keep them and it goes well as well as dealing with high risk pregnancy and all. She is alot like me in pregnancy, very hands off and I know this would not go over well with me. <p>
I had to take dinner to a family whose mother is in the hospital. She may not make it very long, we do not know, but she seems to be doing better right now, which is amazing. I made Spaghetti, meatballs (I froze them earlier) and sauce….instead of baking a bunch of stuff, I stopped and bought a loaf of French bread, grapes and half gallon ice cream… was only like $3.50 and was so much easier. They seemed to appreciate it! <p>
Well, I think I am going to finish off my lazy saturday….well, not altogether lazy. We ran a bunch of errands, we order F. a new pair of glasses, not too expensive ones, but nice, got birthday party invitations at the Dollar tree and walked through a bunch of other stores, the library etc too. H. had a $5 gift from a toy store so we went there and the mall too, just him and I, and had a nice time choosing a sketch pad, a whistle and a fun pad to draw on and a new jacket at the mall for his birthday.  He is alot like my family, not the russian side, in shunning coats!!! A lightweight jacket even when it is really cold is more to his liking. This was a Osh Kosh jacket though and only $6 so that was a good deal. <p>
So, I had better either go finish laundry or my exercise routine or maybe just read another book…..or all three!!!

Martha Artyomenko is an unpublished fiction author who has published some nonfiction magazine articles and reviews over the years. An avid reader and mother of four sons, she brings her many years of expertise to play when writing realistic fiction about topics of mothering, domestic violence, and childbirth. In her free time, if she is not reading, you will find her walking while musing about her next story to write or traveling to learn history for another story. Martha Artyomenko supports authors by running an active social media group (Avid Readers of Christian Fiction) and newsletter promoting niche fiction authors that would otherwise be unknown. Join me by leaving a comment or signing up for the newsletter.

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