This morning after being up almost all night with Anthony (I should not have drank that cup of black tea!!) I found out Fred had an appointment the same time as I did!

His was in Kalispell and mine in Whitefish, so that meant all 4 boys had to get up, dressed and ready to go! I was late, Fred was on time…but I got my CPR card and everything was fine.

I came home, made oatmeal for lunch as we had skipped breakfast and we cleaned a bit! Paul pronounced “This is laundry day!!” We did wash quite a bit of laundry.

When Fred got home he wanted to finish up the stairs he built and have me take a picture for June and Terry (my aunt and uncle). We headed out there and since friend of our are renting half of the place, I stopped to say “Hi”.

We ended up staying to visit for awhile, had tea and bread with honey and peanut butter. The boys enjoyed playing and did really well. I think they were lonely, so it was nice to visit with them!

For dinner I made something we used to make a long time ago. I made fried potatoes, salad, and sausage balls.

I took a pound of hot italian sausage and added 2 eggs and oatmeal and shaped them and rolled in fine soft bread crumbs. Then I fried them until done. They were very tasty and the boys and Fred loved them as well! Because I added the oatmeal it made quite alot of them!

Fred loves Fried potatoes, especially in olive oil!

So, good night to you all!

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    Hi Martha,

    The stairs Fred built look great!

    Love, your sister in Christ,
    Sharon H.

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