to cram all the fun things we possibly could into the last week before school began. The school room is not complete yet…did you know it is really hard to find cheap cabinets that are lower in height? We think we found a solution, but it is not installed yet and we still have to get stuff hauled over here.

We went to Silverwood yesterday. It was alot of fun for the kids, lots of work for mom, but it was fun to see them so happy.

F. had a great time too, enjoying the rides too.
That is F. ducking his head after getting sprayed with water…
The Timber Terror…
Their faces when they got off!!!
Poor L. though, we found out he did not do so well with heights on the ferris wheel. It felt like you were about to dump out though, seriously.
After spending all day there, we managed to meet up with my sister and spent the night at a campsite with her in this really pretty campground. It was really nice and even though I greatly dislike camping, I think next year, it would be a great solution.

I came home and all the weight of responsibility fell down on my shoulders again and I am so weary…I may not be able to be ready for school on thursday, but at this point, I have to rest up and recover. I will add some pictures to this post too.
F. got a new bus this year to drive and is excited for school to begin tomorrow. Back to the normal routine of life, for all of us!!!

Martha Artyomenko is an unpublished fiction author who has published some nonfiction magazine articles and reviews over the years. An avid reader and mother of four sons, she brings her many years of expertise to play when writing realistic fiction about topics of mothering, domestic violence, and childbirth. In her free time, if she is not reading, you will find her walking while musing about her next story to write or traveling to learn history for another story. Martha Artyomenko supports authors by running an active social media group (Avid Readers of Christian Fiction) and newsletter promoting niche fiction authors that would otherwise be unknown. Join me by leaving a comment or signing up for the newsletter.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Tammy

    I enjoyed these photos, Martha! I don’t think I’d seen a picture of your husband before. I felt like this gave me more of a glimpse into your life! :)

    So glad you got to go to Silverwood! Looks like all had fun. :D Do you ride the crazy rides too?? :)

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