Does anyone ever feel like they have to leave their  house so they can relax? I have been  hitting the ground running alot these last few days and except for  Wed. it was mostly at home…….I just am so tired of racing.
<p> What do you do to keep peace in your life when it is just generally busy?  I slept in on purpose this morning. It felt sort of lazy, but I really needed it.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Boy do I know what you mean. Sometimes, after I put the little ones to bed I will go to bed too. I will lay down and read, maybe have a cup of hot tea. I make sure I don't stress about anything that needs doing downstairs. It also keeps me motivated to keep my bedroom from becoming the family junk closet because that is where we tend to put things we don't know what else to do with.

    mama to 7
    and due in Sept.

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