We have never done this before and I am really hoping it will not have to be done again anytime soon. <p> It is alot of work, but it gives a different  look at some things we should have done before we die.  It is nice to have a few things written down of what we would like! <p> It is nice because Grandma had gone to church up here for the past year and formed some relationships and really came back out of a cloistered life she had led for the past 4 years before that!  I had fun hearing some memories of my grandma from before that I had never heard before. <p> My mom was the youngest of 5 children, she married young and moved away from her family for awhile. We saw grandma when she came to visit or we visited, but it was not too often as we traveled alot. That is why it was so special to be able to get a good relationship with her these past few years. When she got really sick about 2.5 years ago, I went down to CA with T. and  helped take care her. We flew back to CO with her and got her settled at home again. It was funny because one of the Hospice nurses down in CO, kept telling me she knew me. She was certain we had met! Finally she realized that it was because  we had met 2.5 years before as she came to Grandma’s house, not as a nurse, but as a Medicaid worker.  She remembered me as the  young girl with all  the children! <p>
Grandma was a very strong person, she would get down alot, but she was very concerned about other people. Sometimes some people look at that as a bad thing, but I think it is a blessing in this world where so many people are only concerned about themselves. <p> My grandma  became a Christian as an adult, being raised Catholic.  I have just heard the story from relatives, but I heard that some neighbor ladies decided to come and help her with housecleaning and became friends. They would witness to her while cleaning and invited her to a Billy  Graham Crusade, if I remember right. It makes me think of how something as simple as housecleaning spoke to that busy mom of 5 children and  made her stop and listen. <p> She actually had 6 children, but one little boy was stillborn. His name was Jack, and I heard he was missing an arm.  I like to know that  now she was able to see her little boy and my grandpa in heaven with Jesus. <p>
It is hard for me to not have the honor of taking care of her anymore, it was something special that we were able to help make her life a little happier this last year, so she could be more independent like she wanted to me.   <p> I will never be able to go to eat somewhere probably without hearing her say "Eat something more than salad, for me." or "Promise me you will eat, sweetheart."  <p> Another good memory is  grandma, having trouble walking or standing and standing up to give someone else her chair or trying to clean the table!!!  I have a feeling that will be me when I am older though!


Martha Artyomenko is an unpublished fiction author who has published some nonfiction magazine articles and reviews over the years. An avid reader and mother of four sons, she brings her many years of expertise to play when writing realistic fiction about topics of mothering, domestic violence, and childbirth. In her free time, if she is not reading, you will find her walking while musing about her next story to write or traveling to learn history for another story. Martha Artyomenko supports authors by running an active social media group (Avid Readers of Christian Fiction) and newsletter promoting niche fiction authors that would otherwise be unknown. Join me by leaving a comment or signing up for the newsletter.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. stillearning

    Your grandmother sounded like she was a sweet soul.How touching that SHE would give up her chair that just says a lot about her doesn't it?

    I am glad that you have that assurance that she was born-again and that she is with our Lord and Savior. That must give you much comfort. I am sorry for your loss.

    The Lord Bless you and comfort you, Pam

  2. Lilyofthevalley4

    Your Grandma sounds like she wa a special person. :) I'm so glad you have such fond memories of her. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. ((((hugs))))

  3. fairybookworm

    Oh, I'm so sorry about your Grandma!!!!! You must be really sad!

  4. cappuccinosmom

    Martha, you are so blessed to have good memories like that of your Grandma. And how wonderful to know she was a believer when she died!

    Sending you a cyber hug…{{{Martha}}}

  5. pinklady

    i'm sure it will be great!!
    see you tomarrow!!

  6. loefflermom

    Sorry to hear about your loss. It is so great to have such good memories.


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