Nicole by Sarah Monzon About the Book: Who has time to date when she’s trying to raise a miniature human by herself AND save the planet from its irresponsible inhabitants? Not to mention my winning personality (snort) and…


Community: Need or Fallacy?

What is community? Is it a need? Is it a fallacy? Definition: com·mu·ni·ty/kəˈmyo͞onədē/noun 1. a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common."the scientific community"2. a feeling of fellowship with…

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Read more about the article Functional Panic: Real or Created?
Apples on the Tree

Functional Panic: Real or Created?

I chose to focus on things as I could, to ground myself. Watering my plants in my yard was peaceful, while my cat scampered about, chewing on grass she stole from the rabbit. I began to take long walks, walking faster and faster, hoping to let something of this life fly off behind me. Social media had exposed an underbelly of corruption in people I loved and cared about, to the point that I struggled to see it.