Fred got the car cleaned out, I greased the door and then he took it to the car wash. It looks better! I was feeling ashamed to drive around anymore! It is so nice to have a clean car. Things get really grimy here after awhile!

This morning we went for a long walk, about 3 miles, me and all the boys with some ladies from my MOPS group. That was nice although I was not in the most talkative mood so had a hard time coming up with things to say.

On the way home we stopped at Pizza hut to get the boys Book It coupons. When we went in the waitress told me they could have the buffet with those coupons so we all got the buffet for lunch and I paid $5.50 for it and Tony and I ate! I was just going to get salad, but for $2 more Tony got pizza and they got all the pizza and breadsticks they wanted besides salad. That was fun!

When we driving home I guess a dump truck had lost his load of rocks and dirt and it took them forever to clean it up. They backed up the highway near our house for a long time! They had fire trucks and all sorts of things out there trying to clean it up from brooms to machinary!

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