I got up this morning, spiced a chicken for the crockpot, put bread in the bread machine, cleaned up the house, and headed to bible study. My muffler suddenly started making a huge noise so that was a little discouraging.

But the bible study was really really good. It was about Happiness. We have been going through different things that effect our life and cause us stress and how to slow down our lives, looking at what God says in the bible and other interesting articles.
I spent the day with my cousin and my sister and in spite of the rain and rowdy boys we had a nice visit.
It has been pouring rain here! It has just been raining and raining and raining! I really am hoping it will not be raining this next week when the boys will want to spend alot of time outside.

Oh, I tried a new bread recipe in the bread machine. I usually make oatmeal bread and today I was out of oatmeal, so I made a recipe that was called egg bread. It had 2 eggs in one loaf and then I added a bunch of whole wheat flour to it. I don't usually do that because it is hard on the bread machine, but I was almost out of white flour and so it was probably half wheat in there, which is good for the bread machine bread. It turned out great with a great fine texture! Maybe the eggs really helped. Anyhow, I felt like Iw as putting my maids to work when I set the chicken to cook and the bread while I was gone all day. We made mashed potatoes and gravy and had a wonderful full dinner tonight.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    Yum! Sounds really good! Can you send me the recipe please? I think I will break down and pull out the bread machine dh’s grandmother gave me. I don’t have the energy to bake bread right now in big batches, so the bread machine could be perfect.

  2. Martha

    I will try to post the recipe!

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