I got up this morning, got the boys up. They have been getting up so good and I am just hoping we can adjust to a new schedule with school just as well. I am slowly, but surely getting all the schoolbooks together. I got a set of Christian liberty phonics readers, I am going to borrow a set of Sonlight books for first grade. Then I want to get the book Draw then Write, as it sounds really good. I also got a kindergarten book for Hans from the lady that wrote Handwriting with Tears. It looks really good! i have some Pathway books to supplement with as well as the ABC series. I am thinking of selling the rest of my R&S reading stuff, but am not sure yet!
Paul still has some of his math to finish up so I may do that to begin the year, but have not decided totally on a math program for him yet.
I think we are going to have fun this year though, I hope so anyway!
I have been working in my office a bit! It is a big mess!! There tons of books in here, someday, I will get bookshelves to hold them all! I am thinking I should just line the room with them, then leave a spot for my computer desk and maybe build a sewing table. I have this nice drop leaf table in here, but it takes up alot of room.
Anyhow, I would like to have shelves to put school stuff on too. Oh, yes, the filing cabinet also. If I get the wood, I am sure Fred will get to building it for me! We just need to buy a blade for his skil saw! I was trying to figure out how we could put a guest bed in here, but it would really take up most of the room. I am not sure it is worth it.

I went to Super One this morning as they were having a 12 hour produce sale. It was not fantastic, but I bought a bit of stuff! I got some bananas for baby at least!

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