It feels like I was gone all day today! I sort of was!  L. had his soccer game at 11:20, so we left then. After that the boys wanted to go to the library, I dropped off pickles for my cousin who was  craving them and I have been delinquent in delivering  them, then I mailed a letter, and went by a friend’s house to bring her some dresses that my sister gave me forever ago and i could not think of who they would fit, but then I realized  they would fit her and she was really happy to get them. I also went to a second hand store and bought two skirts for $5.50.  One was brand new long denim skirt, way too long for me, a girls size 12, but  the hem was really a fringe so I can easily make it shorter for me! It must have been meant for a really tall 12 year old girl as it dragging on the ground on me and the waist  was a little big too, but it is really nice! The other is black velvet crinkle….we’ll see if I like it!  <p>I had a nice visit with my friend and then went back to soccer for 2 more hours! It was  5:30 pm before we left and got home  to make dinner, popcorn and put bread in the bread machine. I  am trying to catch up on some laundry as well! <p> After dinner I realized that a sale at JoAnn’s ended tonight and I needed some thread so I ran down the street there to get it. I am so tired!<p> Anyhow, it was a busy day, but you know, it was nice! I spent all day with my boys and  talked to their amazed soccer coach who comments "They are so fast!! They must run in circles and keep you going!" It is so good for them as they run back and forth, back and forth, back and forth! Plus I got some reading in while  they were practicing! <p> They all really liked the Fried rice and some of my picky eaters (L. in particular) is starting to eat better and ask for seconds even!  Even T. ate the potato soup last night, but the funny thing was, only  because I put broccoli in it! They don’t like potato soup, but like broccoli soup and it was very filling with the pureed potatoes and very velvety rich tasting!  It was not a crockpot recipe, but I made it in there and just finished it up. <p> We are still waiting for the conclusion from the seller if they are going to fix what we want in the house, but I am having patience. Also, we found out the apprasial  is on Monday, so that is good news!  This a great time as it is slow for everyone, so things are just speeding along it seems! I have a feeling suddenly it will be time to move!  I have have had some hard moments, so I could really use some prayers  to really stay peaceful.  <p> I sold a couple of things this week, which is always nice! It was not big, but about $20 worth of book stuff.
I have so many books to pack, but as I am packing them, I realized how many treasures I have!  I think I could leave everything else and just take my books and be happy….well, probably my food processor I would need as well! I  really like it! I am  still in a silly mood and probably overtired, so  I had better go to bed!

Martha Artyomenko is an unpublished fiction author who has published some nonfiction magazine articles and reviews over the years. An avid reader and mother of four sons, she brings her many years of expertise to play when writing realistic fiction about topics of mothering, domestic violence, and childbirth. In her free time, if she is not reading, you will find her walking while musing about her next story to write or traveling to learn history for another story. Martha Artyomenko supports authors by running an active social media group (Avid Readers of Christian Fiction) and newsletter promoting niche fiction authors that would otherwise be unknown. Join me by leaving a comment or signing up for the newsletter.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. loefflermom

    Sound like a good day! I hope you get rested up. Maybe it will be warmer weather for when you move.


  2. Lilyofthevalley4

    Sounds like you had a good day! I'm happy for you! :)

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