Labor Meme
How long were your labors?
#1 – 7 hours
#2 – 3.5 hours
#3 – 1 hour 45 minutes
#4 – 4 hours
How did you know you were in labor?
#1 – I was half sleeping and woke up because my water broke
#2 – Well, I got sick from eating pork so was in the bathroom, half asleep and realized when I woke up more that those were contractions i was having.
#3 – My water broke and I was sound asleep, I leaped out of bed. No pains for 15 min though.
#4 – I woke up with contractions and could not sleep anymore
Where did you deliver?
#1 – My mom’s shower stall
#2 – A small house on the edge of Lake superior we rented from a friend, in a chair sort of.
#3 – My bed in an apt. in my mom’s house
#4- My bed in a rental house
Who delivered?
#1-My mom and a friend
#2-My mom and a friend
#3-My mom and friend
#4- My mom with a observing midwife
(There were different friends each time!)<p>
If you want to read complete birth stories they are posted here.