We just completed our errand day, things went smoothly and in under 2 hours we got pretty much everything done we needed to. <p> I had to register the car, and when I got there, there is usually a long line, but today it said their computers were down. Hmmm, my tags expire today! Why did  I wait until the last day? Well, because it is not a nice place to go into with little children. There is no chairs usually as they are full of people and you wait a long time. It is right by the school district as well, so if it was school hours, I do not want to draw attention. So, I waited until my husband could go with me. Anyhow, I paid for it and they will send me tags in the mail and hopefully if I get pulled over for it, she said explaining the situation would help! I also paid for permanent tags which means that I do not have to go back until the cars die and we get another one! Yay! <p>
I got all my Usborne books yesterday! I got alot of books, but alot of them are small, but full of pictures and information. I also got a set of wrap-ups for multiplying, which I hope is a fun way to practice! I also bought a copy of Paula the Waldensian (one of my favorite books), Missionary stories with the Millers and some audio books from a used seller, but they are like new. When we get through the  book we are reading now, I am going to keep going! <p>
I planned a week of meals before grocery shopping. I hope  they are the right ones! Here is just the dinners<p>
Wed:Pizza  Green Salad<p>
Thurs: Taco Soup<p>
Friday: BBQ meatloaf, baked or mashed potatoes, zucchini<p>
Saturday: Cabbage Rolls Mashed potatoes (Note: Enough for Sunday)<p>
Sunday:  Fellowship meal: Cabbage rolls / Popcorn, pumpkin bread, cut up apples in evening time<p>
Monday: Haystacks<p>
Tuesday:Chicken Fried Rice<p>

I have alot of peppers to use and wanted to make something with them, so I may change a few things as the week goes on like the Chicken fried rice maybe stir fry and the meatloaf may be  Stuffed Peppers, but it sort of depends, but they take similar ingredients!

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  1. loefflermom

    Thanks for the reminder. I need to do a better job of planning meals ahead of time.


  2. teaching2sons

    Mmmm, Taco soup and Pizza salad sound very interesting! I hope you post the recipes sometime. :-)

  3. drewsfamilytx

    We loved Missionary Stories with the Millers!!! I think there was maybe one story that didn't make me cry. The boys kinda got used to bringing the box of tissues with them when I told them it was time to read the next chapter.

    While it's easy to read it all in one sitting, I would recommend reading one chapter a day or a week to really let it sink in.

    Enjoy your finds and hooray for permanent tags! I had never heard of such a thing before.

  4. stillearning

    I've done the same thing in the past with forgetting to register. This year we did the mail thing. But we will both have to go in for our I.D.'s. I didn't realize that you could get permanent tags?!?! That's exciting!

    Enjoy those yummy sounding dishes. Thank you for sharing your menu ideas. It's always fun to see what others moms are doing!

    God Bless, Pam

  5. Lilyofthevalley4

    I need to start planning the menu for the week and writing it down. Lately, I start thinking about the meal when it is time to prepare it and my mind has been going blank!

    Have fun reading! We went to Pathway today and got a few new books to read. :) My oldest reads fast, so I have told her one new book a week. She already finished one today! :)

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