This is not the best picture of the house, but if the Lord wills, this will be our home!
The bank (the owner) accepted our offer on this house this morning!
the Lord really has worked miracles on our behalf and I really am having a hard time believing it. I am the sort of person that hates to be disappointed, so I expect the worst. God has really wanted me to have great faith and I am amazed at the things that God has done for us. I feel really unworthy! I am in such a state I am afraid to think that something bad could happen as I know God has it all under control! <p>
Anyhow, now it is on to the next issues, the inspection is on Monday and the fact that we have to get everything done before March 28th! I have a feeling I am going to be on the phone alot! I was on the phone 35 minutes with a insurance agent earlier! <p> Our mobile home is sold also so we are packing now. My goal is to pack 5 boxes a day……I only got two packed today, so not quite up to speed!
One of the many nice things about this house! i love baths!<p>
Here is a link where you can see a couple other pictures of it! House link
How exciting, Martha– congratulations!
I'm an expect the worst kind of person as well. I need to get over that and accept the fact that we have a LOVING God… it's not all fire and brimstone. It's just a completely opposite way of thinking than what I'm used to.
I hope it works out for you! What a lovely tub! I would be very happy about that too!
I'm so happy for you!! That tub looks nice!! Praise God for the miracles!!
Praying for you and hope all works out well!!
hope you get it!!